Support Programs
Qatar offers several exceptionally helpful programs and initiatives for eMerchants across the business spectrum, tailored for home based entrepreneurs, ambitious startups and growing small to medium enterprises (SMEs). Through these programs, eMerchants can gain access to many benefits, such as exposure to business opportunities, important information, support and guidance, as well as access to communication channels and Theqa certification.
Small to Medium Enterprises
Established SMEs can also benefit from Qatar’s eCommerce and other business support programs, such as the DTSME, which facilitates digital transformation of companies, or Tasdeer, which focuses on assisting exporters. Others initiatives include the Theqa eTrustmark, which provides SME eMerchants with symbol of authenticity, and the Qatar Development Bank (QDB) SME Excellence Honor List, which honors the country’s best performing SMEs.

Qatar’s Digital Transformation of SMEs Program focuses on the application of information technology in SMEs, and the awareness of the benefits of using digital tools for business. It also offers access to exclusive content and events, as well as access to approved vendors.

Theqa is a trustmark program that certifies approved members. It coaches businesses to follow best practice and provides further tools and support. Theqa also increases consumer awareness and provides eShoppers with support, ensuring a seamless eCommerce experience.

Tasdeer is an export development agency that services all Qatari exporters regardless of the size of their export contracts, the sector they represent or their turnover, offering multiple tools that help exporters identify business opportunities and tap into world markets.

The SME Excellence List recognizes, celebrates and ranks the top performing SMEs in Qatar – those businesses that have excelled in their businesses, created sustainable business models, projected business growth or have made an impact on the economy.
Qatar is equally committed to fostering a thriving eCommerce start-up culture in the country, and has set up a variety of forward thinking programs that young entrepreneurs and new companies can join, providing them with vital assistance such as technological training and support (DTSME), incubation centers (DIC, QBIC), and market exposure through listing on the Qatar ICT Directory.

Please click on the links below for more information:

Qatar’s Digital Transformation of SMEs Program focuses on the application of information technology in SMEs, and the awareness of the benefits of using digital tools for business. It also offers access to exclusive content and events, as well as access to approved vendors.

Theqa is a trustmark program that certifies approved members. It coaches businesses to follow best practice and provides further tools and support. Theqa also increases consumer awareness and provides eShoppers with support, ensuring a seamless eCommerce experience.

Tasmu Digital Valley has created the Qatar Digital Business Directory as part of MOTC’s efforts to enhance the private sector’s footprint in the market by ensuring their competitiveness regionally and globally, as well as enabling the public sector and private sector to find the best digital service providers and products. This database of digital companies in the State of Qatar that will help government and businesses select digital companies suited to their needs. It also allows a better understanding of Qatar’s digital landscape.

DIC was created to boost ICT innovation in Qatar, particularly among young people at the critical early stages of starting or growing a technology-related business. It offers startups several advantages, including free office space, Mentoring, technical support, specialised training and guidance.

QBIC is a unique mixed-use business incubation center, providing support services to help entrepreneurs and companies who either have an idea to start a business or want to grow an existing business.
Home-based Businesses
With the goal of encouraging home based businesses to enter the market and thrive as an essential part of its eCommerce ecosystem, Qatar has smoothed the registration process for domestic entrepreneurs who have online stores, enabling them to get up and running much more easily.
Options open to home businesses include membership of the Theqa, the eCommerce eTrustmark, as well as additional support, services and exposure through a variety of entities – all aimed at building toward the success and future growth of Qatar’s home businesses.

Please click on the links below for more information:

Qatar’s Digital Transformation of SMEs Program focuses on the application of information technology in SMEs, and the awareness of the benefits of using digital tools for business. It also offers access to exclusive content and events, as well as access to approved vendors.

Theqa is a trustmark program that certifies approved members. It coaches businesses to follow best practice and provides further tools and support. Theqa also increases consumer awareness and provides eShoppers with support, ensuring a seamless eCommerce experience.

Bedaya is an advisory service aimed at empowering, supporting and guiding the youth of Qatar in the process of launching their own business or starting a career. Its programs and initiatives aim to help the country’s young people discover their path and fulfil their dreams.

Tasmu Digital Valley has created the Qatar Digital Business Directory as part of MOTC’s efforts to enhance the private sector’s footprint in the market by ensuring their competitiveness regionally and globally, as well as enabling the public sector and private sector to find the best digital service providers and products. This database of digital companies in the State of Qatar that will help government and businesses select digital companies suited to their needs. It also allows a better understanding of Qatar’s digital landscape.

Qatar’s Digital Transformation of SMEs Program focuses on the application of information technology in SMEs, and the awareness of the benefits of using digital tools for business. It also offers access to exclusive content and events, as well as access to approved vendors.

Theqa is a trustmark program that certifies approved members. It coaches businesses to follow best practice and provides further tools and support. Theqa also increases consumer awareness and provides eShoppers with support, ensuring a seamless eCommerce experience.

Bedaya is an advisory service aimed at empowering, supporting and guiding the youth of Qatar in the process of launching their own business or starting a career. Its programs and initiatives aim to help the country’s young people discover their path and fulfil their dreams.

Tasmu Digital Valley has created the Qatar Digital Business Directory as part of MOTC’s efforts to enhance the private sector’s footprint in the market by ensuring their competitiveness regionally and globally, as well as enabling the public sector and private sector to find the best digital service providers and products. This database of digital companies in the State of Qatar that will help government and businesses select digital companies suited to their needs. It also allows a better understanding of Qatar’s digital landscape.

Tasdeer is an export development agency that services all Qatari exporters regardless of the size of their export contracts, the sector they represent or their turnover, offering multiple tools that help exporters identify business opportunities and tap into world markets.

The SME Excellence List recognizes, celebrates and ranks the top performing SMEs in Qatar – those businesses that have excelled in their businesses, created sustainable business models, projected business growth or have made an impact on the economy.

DIC was created to boost ICT innovation in Qatar, particularly among young people at the critical early stages of starting or growing a technology-related business. It offers startups several advantages, including free office space, Mentoring, technical support, specialised training and guidance.

QBIC is a unique mixed-use business incubation center, providing support services to help entrepreneurs and companies who either have an idea to start a business or want to grow an existing business.