Government Processes
To begin the process of becoming an eMerchant in Qatar, every enterprise must register their business, domain and trademarks.
Business Registration
In order to trade in Qatar all businesses - including eMerchants – must apply for commercial registration. For most businesses, including those that are home based, this will be through the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the country’s governing commercial authority.
Select businesses may also apply register at the Qatar Financial Center (QFC) or Qatar Science and Technology Park (QSTP).

Please click the links below for more information on which route might be best for your business:

Qatar’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) covers the registration, governance, support and development of all corporations, SMEs and home based businesses in the country.
Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) is one of the world’s leading onshore business and financial centres and offers businesses many benefits, including streamlined company registration.
Qatar Science & Technology Park (QSTP), part of Qatar Foundation Research, Development, and Innovation (QF RDI), is a Free Zone and Qatar’s premier hub for applied research, technology innovation, incubation, and entrepreneurship. QSTP fosters a vibrant ecosystem that facilitates the development of new high-tech products and services, supports the commercialization of market-ready technologies, and offers state-of-the-art offices and facilities specifically designed for tech-based companies.
Like any brick and mortar business, Qatar’s eMerchants must register their trademarks. Doing so will protect your brand, increase its value and allow you to invest in your online store, safe in the knowledge that consumers will perceive your business as genuine, reliable and trustworthy. Businesses can register their trademarks in Qatar by submitting an application to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

For more information please click here:

Qatar’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) covers the registration, governance, support and development of all corporations, SMEs and home based businesses in the country.
MOCI TRADEMARKDomain Registration
As an eMerchant you can register your online business domain name or names. Under the auspices of the Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA), which governs Internet domains in Qatar.
For more information please click here:

The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) is the communications regulator in Qatar and includes the Qatar Domains Registry, which manages all Qatar-specific Internet domain names.